Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Lent Day 39: Sound sleep and faith

There are many people who can’t sleep properly, who suffer from insomnia and who are awake late into the night, because they can’t sleep. There are also those who don’t sleep because they are working late into the night and trying to finish deadlines. Some even pray late because it is the time with least disturbance and noise. But sleep is an integral part of faith and life. It is what gives rest to the body and strength to the soul.

But interestingly, people who sleep well are blamed for sleeping too much, sleeping without a care and sleeping lazily. Others will remark that they don’t have a care in the world and can therefore sleep relaxedly. It is interesting that on the one hand people are trying their best to sleep with medicines, treatment and prayer and on the other hand people who sleep are accused of sleeping too much and sleeping without a care. Sleep is associated with boredom, laziness and lack of creativity. So much that the importance of sleep is ignored and downplayed.

In St. Mark 4, verse 38, it says, “But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” There are some people who appear to be working all the time but don’t get anything done. There are others who work for short periods, but are very effective. Are we working to show others or to get things done without bothering about who is watching? Jesus takes rest, he sleeps on the boat, because it is resting time. He is also sure of himself and the Father who sent him. He has a sound sleep.

The disciples on the other hand are not sure of many things. Despite accompanying Jesus everywhere, they are still unsure of his capabilities. This unsureness also led to lack of sleep and lack of sound sleep. It affected their morale and affected their performance. Instead of then catching some sleep, they remained awake and increased their tension. We see in these days that a lot of people are tensed. There are also the seldom few who can sleep at the sight of a bed.

Jesus is so sure of his faith that his sleep is also sure footed and relaxing. There is no care of the world because he is sure that his Father in heaven will take care of everything. This results in his rebuking of the storm when he is woken up. In verse 39 it says, “And he awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” The sleep is so strengthening that Jesus is so clear in his mind. His calmness then calms the sea. This lent, sleep should not be avoided and tensions should not lead to lack of sleep. Let us pray, have faith, believe and sleep. Amen.

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