Sunday, March 31, 2024

Lent Day 50: The rolling stones

We all go through tensions and problems in our life. We walk with them, sit with them and sleep with them. They are there and it is a mental block. We even pray for overcoming hurdles and blocks in life. Easter presents such a tension, block and hurdle. The hurdle of the closed tomb. 

In St. Mark 16: 1, Mary Magdalene, the apostle to the apostles, Mary the mother of James and Salome walk to the tomb with spices to anoint the body of Jesus. Their faith, concern and love is immense. This could also be a special characteristic of women. They go to any length when it is something that touches their heart. The risk, danger and uncertainty were huge and yet they go. 

All through we are wondering about the close disciples. The twelve minus the one who was tempted to betray. They are no where near the tomb and yet God takes care of the burial in the most honourable way. Perhaps something for us to think too when we worry too much about our death and what will happen then. Someone will be there to take care of everything in the best way and they need not be those close to us!

The women were walking very early after the Sabbath on the first day of the week. Suddenly they think of something. Verse 3 says, “And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” Now this could have easily been a reason for them to walk back. But they carry on. We usually falter, stop and move back when we are faced with an adversity. But we can also look at it and say that we will anyway have a look and return if we can’t get our work done. 

The women reach and verse 4 says, “ And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back;- it was very large.” The very large is an indication that by themselves, they wouldn’t have managed to remove the stone. Just imagine. The resurrection wouldn’t have been witnessed and reported without a rolled back stone. Our life is basically a bag of plans. But we usually plan through till the end. The plan of the women though ended at the door of the tomb. This is when God’s plan is revealed. An open tomb is an open God, a revealed Jesus and hope for humanity. We are all weary of approaching doors because we are not sure whether the stones will be rolled away. But Easter is not our plan and our execution but God’s way of showing the rolling stones in our life. Christ is risen. The large stone has been rolled back. Amen.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Lent Day 44: We do not know

In India, elders and teachers are supposed to know everything. Whether it is their field, their area of interest or what they have been exposed to, there is an expectation that they will able to answer every question. So much that, mistakes can be made while the pressure to perform is high. Sometimes, the position of authority is maintained and held on to by such claims to know everything. Scholarship and authority are sadly seen in this way.

But Jesus did not give false claims. Neither did he claim to know everything. He spoke regarding what he had come to do. He was well versed in scripture and the way it was to be performed. Still, he was questioned because of his lack of education.

As part of discrediting Jesus, he was always asked questions. His answers were smart and effective. He did not want to appear smart but wanted to say the truth and be compassionate to the people. Many went back to their homes saying that Jesus spoke like a well learned man. But that didn’t seem to be his intention. He wanted people to know the truth and know his Father through him.

In St. Matthew 21: 23, the chief priests and elders ask him a question about his authority to teach and who gave him this authority. Jesus is very careful with his answer and his answer is in the form of a question. He asks about the baptism of John the Baptist. The chief priests and elders who usually have the answers to every question, are caught on the wrong foot. They realise that they will be embarrassed, whichever way they answer.

They think about it and then say in verse 27, “We do not know.” Perhaps this is the smartest thing that they ever said till then. They thought about the question and realised that it was much beyond them. Instead of saying something, they admit that they do not know the answer. Lent is a time for us to do just this. Saying that we do not know is a humbling process, a cleansing process, a learning process and an accepting process. When the parent says this to the child, when the husband says this to the wife, when the teacher says this to the student and when the priest says this to the congregation, it is not humiliation, but an inward understanding, knowing and embracing. This lent, shall we also have the strength to understand questions, to say no and in the process to be led to light ourselves.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Lent Day 43: Making an ass of ourself this lent

“Don’t make a fool of yourself” is something we often hear in childhood. More than the fact that we have done something wrong or foolish, it is that we have embarrassed our parents or family. It could also be that we have acted in a way which is much below our age. So don’t make a fool of yourself could also be translated as “Don’t act like a child.” Yet, Jesus asks us to do exactly that when he reminds us that unless we become like children, we won’t enter the kingdom of God.

What all would the leaders have expected of a Messiah entering Jerusalem? A huge accompaniment of soldiers, armours, weapons, priests and people. But Jesus’ entry is in stark contrast to this. He comes riding a young ass (colt/donkey), as is mentioned in St. John 12:14, “And Jesus found a young ass and sat upon it.” Nothing to be proud of and nothing to write home about. Was he making a fool of himself and the respectable society of the time?

Jesus’ entry is not triumphant if you look at it from the perspective of the Pharisees, Sadducees and other leaders. It is not a choreographed event which looks nice from the outside. It has embarrassment written all over it. But there is a crowd of disciples, children, women and men who welcome him with clothes, leaves and flowers. It is what they had and not what they had to get from somewhere.

Jesus’ act reflects several things. A leader does not have to flaunt wealth and force people to spend money on celebrations and welcomes. True celebrations are not pressured ones but which come from the heart of people. Welcomes should be done with what is locally available and, in this case, it was the ass and the leaves and flowers. Such celebrations should leave a good memory for people rather than a bitter feeling of loss of money and resources. Jesus’ entry energizes the people and upsets the leaders.

We live in a culture of appeasement and show offs. Our leaders expect great welcomes and spending of money. Chariots, decorated jeeps, latest cars, and blocked roads signify importance and power. Yet, Jesus did none of this. Perhaps his followers would have done it for him but he instructs what he wants on his entry into Jerusalem. Churches and leaders can learn humility, austerity and frugality from Jesus. Many festivals are conducted by blocking roads and disturbing people. The success of an event is measured by how far people are inconvenienced. This lent, we need to rethink this and follow the path of Jesus, seated on an ass, with minimum comforts and needs. Amen.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Lent Day 42: A God who weeps

Our biggest friends and biggest family are those who stand by us in difficult situations. We think that we have to provide solutions at every juncture and moment, but sometimes just standing with someone is enough. In a funeral home, our presence and touch are more valuable than anything we say. God need not always be the solution giver but can also be the one who stands by us in our most difficult moment.

Leaders are usually not expected to cry. Boys and men are also not expected to cry in our culture. This reflects mental toughness and strength. But what is the need of this façade and show? When we feel for someone or something, it is but natural to cry. There is also the fake crying by leaders whereby crying is for some gain, marketing and advantage. This is rehearsed crying and is not from the heart but from the head. It also makes people emotional but one can eventually see through it.

Weeping and crying is a disruption and sometimes even a disturbance for others. But for those who are sincere, it is a faithful expression of the heart and the mind. Even praying for those who are sick and undergoing problems, can bring tears to our eyes. There are others who have wept so much that their tears have dried up. These can also be those who then decide that they don’t want to cry anymore because others have hurt them and made them cry.

Jesus wept and he wept with the family that he was close with. Lazarus is dead and he reaches only to see a weeping Martha and Mary. Both say that the death could have been avoided if Jesus was there. Jesus goes near the tomb and weeps. The Messiah, the son of God, the liberator, weeps in front of everyone. St. John 11: 35 says, “Jesus wept.” It is another thing that Jesus tells Martha in verse 23 that her brother will rise again and in verse 43 he cries with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” But the most significant thing in this narrative is that Jesus wept along with the family he loved. Our tears are as powerful as our prayers and actions. This passion week, may we join hands with our Lord and weep as he wept for the poor and suffering. Amen.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Lent Day 41: The temptation of fake profiles

St. Matthew 4: 1-11 narrates how the devil tries his best to tempt Jesus. After forty days of fasting, Jesus is tired, hungry and vulnerable. This is seen as the best time to make him succumb to the unreasonable requests of the devil. But Jesus does not give up. Even after a tiring fast his mind is clear and he knows exactly what he is doing. This lent, we also have to learn how to overcome temptations. 

As we live in a world which has been taken over by social media, temptations for us also come through and in such media. We get friend requests from fake profiles with nice and even tempting pictures. In a world of isolation, this is a temptation which is difficult to overcome for many. The same method is used for honey traps, where men are lured by tempting profiles into relationships with people who do not exist. This is used to extort money, steal secrets and sensitive information and blackmail people. 

Many people fall for such traps without realising what they are doing. The more tempting a profile picture is, the more we should distant ourself from it. In verses 5-7, the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple. He is asked to jump as the angels of the Lord will bear him. But Jesus senses the fake nature of the words of the devil. 

We fall for fake profiles. We also fall for false requests, seeking of money and wrong information. The person on the other side is someone else and is offering something they don’t have. Yet, we don’t spend any time in thinking before accepting the request and replying to messages. This succumbing to temptation turns out to be a personal loss as there is loss of money, reputation and name. 

Lent is a good time to go through our friends list. How many in the list are actual friends? How many are fake and how many are cheating us? An audit during this time will be beneficial, to become sensible like Jesus, and to defend ourself against the temptation of fake profiles and fake requests. Such profiles will only promise and never deliver. We should rather take time to sift through the requests and accept the ones we know, which don’t have strange and beautiful pictures and which are not tempting and luring in any regard. Amen.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Lent Day 40: Negating the gossiping community

Humans are story tellers. It is but natural that people speak, share stories and update what is happening in their life and in their village, town or city. But there is a very thin line between story and gossip. Even though a story is also about what happened in someone’s life, it is more or less true. But a rumour and gossip are based on hearsay, imagination and even lies. A story can be positive whereas a rumour or gossip is negative.

During Jesus’ time, both these kinds of sharing information existed. There were stories which were intended to strengthen the community and give hope to them. There were also rumours and gossips which were shared among people who didn’t have much work or who concentrated on such things instead of their work. Rumours and gossips were also made on Jesus and even he did not escape this. Many people try to brush this away by saying that these things are harmless but the actual damage it could cause is very dangerous and painful for others.

Many stories have been written on village gossip. The plot is how some people spread rumours to unsettle someone or to cause a reaction. It may also be for making fun of someone and is sometimes construed as harmless humour. Some people have a way with sarcastic humour and they are weaved into the story. During Jesus’ time there are several instances when we see negative storytelling and rumour and gossip. People whispering behind his back that he was the son of a carpenter is one of those instances.

We see something unique in St. Mark 8:26. After healing the blind man, we read, “Then he sent him away to his home, saying, “Do not even go into the village.” Jesus is reluctant to send the man to his village. There are instances when he sends a healed man to the priest or to the temple, but in this case that does not happen. When we look around, rumours and gossips rule in our churches and communities. Instead of stories of strength and hope we see rumours galore in communities. This demoralizes people and pushes them to the brink of death. We should realise that healing is not enough, acceptance after healing is the real challenge. Amen.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Lent Day 39: Sound sleep and faith

There are many people who can’t sleep properly, who suffer from insomnia and who are awake late into the night, because they can’t sleep. There are also those who don’t sleep because they are working late into the night and trying to finish deadlines. Some even pray late because it is the time with least disturbance and noise. But sleep is an integral part of faith and life. It is what gives rest to the body and strength to the soul.

But interestingly, people who sleep well are blamed for sleeping too much, sleeping without a care and sleeping lazily. Others will remark that they don’t have a care in the world and can therefore sleep relaxedly. It is interesting that on the one hand people are trying their best to sleep with medicines, treatment and prayer and on the other hand people who sleep are accused of sleeping too much and sleeping without a care. Sleep is associated with boredom, laziness and lack of creativity. So much that the importance of sleep is ignored and downplayed.

In St. Mark 4, verse 38, it says, “But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” There are some people who appear to be working all the time but don’t get anything done. There are others who work for short periods, but are very effective. Are we working to show others or to get things done without bothering about who is watching? Jesus takes rest, he sleeps on the boat, because it is resting time. He is also sure of himself and the Father who sent him. He has a sound sleep.

The disciples on the other hand are not sure of many things. Despite accompanying Jesus everywhere, they are still unsure of his capabilities. This unsureness also led to lack of sleep and lack of sound sleep. It affected their morale and affected their performance. Instead of then catching some sleep, they remained awake and increased their tension. We see in these days that a lot of people are tensed. There are also the seldom few who can sleep at the sight of a bed.

Jesus is so sure of his faith that his sleep is also sure footed and relaxing. There is no care of the world because he is sure that his Father in heaven will take care of everything. This results in his rebuking of the storm when he is woken up. In verse 39 it says, “And he awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” The sleep is so strengthening that Jesus is so clear in his mind. His calmness then calms the sea. This lent, sleep should not be avoided and tensions should not lead to lack of sleep. Let us pray, have faith, believe and sleep. Amen.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Lent Day 38: The immorality in seeking whatever we want

Prayers these days are becoming a want based asking to God. There are many who claim that they can bring God down, can get whatever someone wants and God is at their beck and call. The decency of prayer has been lost and aggressive prayers are being marketed as normal. Anything goes for prayer and right from childhood, children are taught to ask whatever they want. God has been reduced to a provider who provides whatever.

During lent, as we think about morals and values and what can be seen as morality, it would be good to audit and review our prayers and ways of praying. Have we crossed all limits and have we used our freedom with Jesus to ask whatever we want? Do we instead have the understanding to spend time in silence, conversing with God and letting God know of our pains and problems instead of asking for unrealistic and immoral things? Is it possible to go back to community-based prayers whereby a negotiation and dialogue happens, in which, the community uses its maturity to put forth prayers of needs instead of wants.  

In St. Mark10, verse 35, the brothers James and John put forward an unrealistic prayer to Jesus. They say, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” In a group of twelve, which again extended to a very big group of disciples from all walks of life, these two come up with a strange request. When thought about, it is an immoral request which reeks of individualism in the midst of the community of disciples. Upon further probing by Jesus, they make clear what they really want.

In the midst of poverty, hunger, sickness and injustice, the two disciples are thinking of power and glory. They ask for a strange request in verse 37, when they say, “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.” This is what is happening in today’s world too. In the midst of suffering, we are interested in power and positions. In no way are our requests going to help those who are suffering but we are obsessed with such immoral thoughts.

This lent, we should identify such immoral thoughts and prayer requests. Our quest for wealth, buildings, fame, money and success are a slap on the face of the poor and the hungry. It is so very important that we relook what immorality is. Are they individual bad habits or are they prayers which negate the health of the community and seek individual growth and wealth? As we close in on passion week, may this make us think, repent and change. Amen.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Lent Day 37: Execution of persecution

How many of us will choose to be and remain a Christian if we realise that we have to die for it? Not just die, but suffer in the meanest of ways and then die? How many will witness to Christ if we are sure we will be persecuted and the execution of the persecution will be a painful death? Did Jesus’ disciples believe that he would be killed despite being the miracle man and the one who brought others back from death? Will there be anyone left in the church if we have to die to gain membership?

These are difficult questions which aren’t asked anymore because it will lead to wholesale desertions and falling numbers. The word persecution itself is taboo and used as a decoration instead of a faith declaration. This is absolutely why Jesus’ disciples did not understand what he meant in St. Luke 18, verse 32 and 33, when he said, “For he will be delivered to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon; they will scourge him and kill him, and on the third day he will rise.”

Even though we talk about relinquishing food during lent, the intend is to relinquish our body and life. The reminder that we have to lose ourself to find it is also made in the same regard. When one is not concerned anymore about a disease or a problem, the intensity of the disease or problem itself decreases. We are usually unwilling to be subject to persecution because we have a lot to lose. The moment we forget profit and loss, we also forget pain.

Lent can be a pleasant and strengthening experience, the moment we take our mind off our assets and wealth. The body loses weight, the mind loses associations and the soul loses evil. Jesus didn’t seem to hate the fact that he would be persecuted and killed. He didn’t fear death and pain. The more he drew closer to death, the more he talked about it.

We hesitate to forgo food, forget not thinking about pain and death. Persecution is politicized and not looked forward to. We talk about the persecution of others, rather than offering ourselves for persecution. The execution usually never happens. This lent, may there be a turnaround, whereby we prepare for the execution of our persecution. Amen.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Lent Day 36: I am the man

We would all like to be the person who is the apple of someone’s eye. The one who everyone likes and looks up to. The person who would be the center of attraction. But with stardom also comes loss of freedom and the relentless disturbance of the paparazzi. Which is why we would like to be known but once that happens, we would like to be unknown! The weight of popularity is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Being in the limelight and not being able to handle it is what winners of lotteries realize. In a day their life turns upside down. They lose their privacy, relationships and make lots of enemies. What they think is a blessing, soon turns into a curse. There are the rare people who know how to handle unexpected riches. There are also those who know how to handle fame.

In St. John 9, Jesus heals a blind man. The people recognize the healed man as the one who used to sit and beg. While some said that this is that man, others said that it is someone who looks like him. Finally in verse 9, he says, “I am the man.” The healed man takes upon himself the attention and popularity he is going to receive. Perhaps he was also weary of the criticism he would get but does not allow that to deter him.

What follows is an open trial by the people and the Pharisees. His parents are also not spared. They then say that their son is old enough to speak for himself. The Pharisees try to extract something from the parents or the man so that they can use it against Jesus. He learns how to handle fame and criticism. He answers their question of whether Jesus is a sinner by saying in verse 25, “Whether he is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I know, that though I was blind, now I see.”

This lent is a time to be called by God, touched and healed by God and transformed by God. It is also a time to speak boldly, with the power of the Holy Spirit. It is to realize and say that I am the one and to speak as to what has come about in us with the transformation brought forth by God. Amen.  

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Lent Day 35: The worship of goodness and life

Why do we go to church? Why do we get together as a community? Why do we partake of communion and why do we listen to the word of God? Is it to adhere to certain time frames and rules? Is it to meet people and talk and share news? Or is it to pray for the well being of one another? If we do not get together for life and life in abundance, woe to us who get together at all!

It would do well for us if we tried to ask why certain people don’t come to church. It would benefit the church greatly, if we asked the youth why they are not so interested to come to the church. The answer to this would be that the church and the communities which constitute the church are not reflecting the community of Jesus. This means that we are not doing anything which has life in it, which supports life and which supports each other. Churches are turning out to be places of individual praise and groupism.

Jesus’ ministry was not like this. He would stretch his arms to the margins and touch the last and the least. He would reach out to the outcasts and those labelled as sinners. He would cast out demons, heal the sick and bring back the dead to life. That he sometimes did this on the Sabbath was natural, because crowds followed him wherever he went. He would go to the synagogue to teach and to discuss the scripture and many people said that they had never heard anyone speak like him.

Jesus stood for life and life in abundance. That was also why he healed and brought back people to life. Life, and not destruction was his agenda and calling. On the other hand, the others were there only to adhere to certain rules, only for the self and only for furthering their own groups and interests. Every healing that Jesus did on the Sabbath was a challenge to the people who were self-centered and group minded.

In St. Luke 6, verse 9, Jesus says, “I ask you, is it lawful on the sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it?” He asked this question to all the scribes and Pharisees assembled there. They could not bear it that he was healing on the Sabbath and was bringing back people to life and to sanity. The conclusion of this is Jesus’ command to the man with the withered right hand. He tells him, “Stretch out your hand.” He does likewise and his hand was restored. This lent, we need to scrutinize our lives, communities, churches and worships. Are our get togethers life threatening or life giving? Can we become places which offer positive energy and positive thinking? Amen.  

Friday, March 15, 2024

Lent Day 34: The assurance of the fringe of Jesus’ garment

There are certain pieces of cloth, garments, a special shirt, or dhoti which is close to our heart. It is either because it was a favourite of ours, or someone we loved, wore it. Even years later, we will take it, hold it and even smell it. There is a familiarity, a knowingness and even an assurance that the cloth gives us. Knowing that it is kept somewhere in a cupboard gives us a good feeling, and taking it and feeling it in our hand and on our face, when we are sad, gives us a lot of peace.

Touching the garment of someone we know, have heard of and hold in high esteem is also like this. We would like to touch them but don’t like disturbing them and making them feel that we are taking advantage. So, we will instead, stand close and touch their garment without making them feel awkward. It is a decent way of approaching someone we respect or love and should not be seen as something weird.

In St. Mathew 9: 21, we read, “for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I shall be made well.” This was a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years. The expectation was high because she would have heard a lot about Jesus and his capability to heal. But she also didn’t want to disturb him and thought it would be next to impossible to speak to him, request him, and get an answer from him.

When we hold the garment dear to us to our face and to our nose, we also expect something. An assurance of peace, a strength in the time of problems and a thought that we have someone who cares for us. There is only one-sided communication and the communication from the dress is non-verbal. The smile it brings to our face and the recollection of pleasant memories is itself a healing process for us. Grief is also contained to a large extend by this.  

Jesus turns around and says in verse 22, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” Even though the woman till then was communicating with the fringe of Jesus’ garment, it leads to Jesus himself talking to the woman, a miracle in itself. She is instantly made well. This lent, shall we also reach out for the fringe of Jesus’ dress. Just like the garments and pieces of cloth which give peace to us. But in this case, which will talk back, assure and heal. Amen.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Lent Day 33: The community of the healed

St. Mark 6:56- “And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the market-places, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.”

Two of the most significant aspects of Jesus’ ministry was the preaching for repentance and the healing of the sick. Crowds went everywhere Jesus was because of this power of Jesus to heal. Some others made personal requests while many tried to touch his garment for healing. Jesus put forward the power of faith in his healing episodes. There was nothing beyond him. So much that, he even brought the dead back to life. 

Lent is a time of healing. Holy Communion is also a time of healing. But unfortunately this is not happening in our society and community. There are staged healings, marketing gimmicks and forced healings but no true healings. The people are stressed, losing hope and looking on to other things. This is when quacks, medicines and products which promise miraculous changes and untested life style change claims and superstitions rule the roost. 

The desperation of people is taken advantage of and faith and belief are misused. Let there be no doubt that God can heal, Jesus’ healings were genuine and even today healings are possible. But cheating people in the name of healing and recovery is the worst that humans can do to each other. Taking advantage of weaknesses and forcing people to part with money and resources are cruel. Lent should be a time which shakes us up to question such superstitious beliefs and acts. 

There are ideally two ways of seeking healing. One is to consume the Holy Body and Holy Blood of our Lord Jesus with complete faith and belief. Two, is to touch the relics of Saints for healing. Healing is a personal and community act but not one which is forced. God in God’s mercy heals us. The saints intercede for us and offer their remains as a source of intercessory power for us. 

We need to pray more during lent and seek God’s mercy. We need to consume the Holy Body and Holy Blood of our Lord. We need to spend time in church in the accompaniment of saints, asking for healing. Our kneeling in church asking for Lord’s mercy is a recreation of the time of Jesus when people sought healing from him. We are bowing down before Jesus and asking him to be merciful. 

Lent should embolden us to say no to wrong claims of healing, promises from cheaters and quacks and flexes and posters with lies and falsehood about healing. Instead, we should go on our knees, pray in church and have Jesus inside us. There can be no greater healing than this. Amen.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Lent Day 32: Our problems are our solutions

Finding solutions is not simple and yet should not be too difficult for the church. But instead of solutions, our communities end up being the problem themselves. Without trying for solutions and finally bringing out a solution, we continue to get stuck with the problems. The same thing happens with the disciples. In St. Matthew 14, the disciples present the first problem to Jesus. It is getting dark and so it would be ideal for them to send the crowd to the villages. Jesus asks the disciples to provide food and then they bring up the next problem of lack of food. 

In verse 18, to their reply that they have only 5 loaves and 2 fish, Jesus says “Bring them here to me.” Instead of adding a problem or running away from the problem, Jesus engages with the problem in the hope of finding a solution. Even though the five loaves and two fish are part of the problem which says that there is not enough food, the same thing then becomes the solution. Have we ever thought that our problems are actually the solution?!

We have problems in church with regard to family issues, relationship problems and financial hardships and difficulties to name a few. When we think about it, there seems to be no solution. This is when we should surrender to the voice of God which says, “Bring them (it) here to me.” What was till then the problem or part of the problem, becomes the solution. In the right hands the most difficult of problems are sorted out. Indians are hired for certain top posts because of their capability of finding solutions. This must also be an experience which they pick up from their childhood and place of stay. Such things make them provide solutions which others can’t simply fathom. 

The sharing of food cannot be thought of by someone from a privileged background because usually food is wasted rather than being saved there. The division of food and the sharing of food also is more easily acceptable to a person from a simple background. We need not be overly concerned that we cannot always provide solutions. Even today, we may not be able to provide solutions due to our mental blocks and inclination to do things in a certain way. Jesus’ call to “bring them here” should be a cue for us to take our so called problems to him so that we can realise that with his help, these very problems can become our solutions. Amen.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Lent Day 31: The hand of courage

Stretching out our hand is done for several reasons. We stretch out for help, we stretch out to greet, we stretch out as a response and we stretch out to help. There are negative forms of stretching out our hand as well. Jesus usually stretched out his hand to help. In his public ministry that was for healing. The healing in many ways was not just for the restoration of health but was also for the courage of wanting to be healed. 

In St. Mark 3: 5 it says, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.” Our limitations, sickness and weaknesses are also the failure of our community and society to want us to recover and do well. So, when we meet someone who is sick, it is not an individual failure and shortcoming but a community failure and shortcoming. This was also the reluctance of the Pharisees in agreeing to Jesus healing on the Sabbath. The very fact that there were people to be healed, was a failure of the Pharisees and the entire community. Keeping this under wraps would also save them from much embarrassment. 

It was not just that Jesus was healing on the Sabbath, but that every healing was a questioning of the authority of the Pharisees. If Jesus can, why can’t you? Why are there so many people who are sick? Does your lack of ability to heal mean that you are not people of God? No one would have had a problem if Jesus would have healed in secret. But Jesus more than getting a name for himself wanted to show that he is the son of God. 

Those who needed healing also had to understand that they had to question the unjust society they were living in. Questioning is done by raising or stretching out our hand and making ourselves seen and heard. Receiving healing need not be a passive act but is also a stretching out, a putting out and an asking for. It is not a shameful thing but a seeking for one’s right to be healed. Jesus is asking us to stretch out our hand. To stretch it out with dignity and courage. Amen.