Loving God, may this new year be one which realizes our
potential and does not seek to satisfy others. It is not new resolutions that
we need dear God, but the fulfillment of your promises. Inspire us Lord to be
compassionate, merciful, understanding and adjusting. Offer the year 2017 for
us and make it perfect enough for each of us in a special and different way.
Instead of pressures give us challenges, instead of dejection give us new
possibilities and instead of negative thoughts give us positive vibes of your
wonderful energy. We pray gracious God that every day of this year 2017 be a new
beginning and that these beginnings will give the passion to work hard in our
lives. Help us to be formed by you and not just educated by society. May this
formation offer the guidance of the Holy Spirit to recognize what is right and
wrong. Merciful God, form us to be you,
so that 2017 need not be the most perfect year, but just perfect for us. Amen.