Thursday, March 14, 2024

Lent Day 33: The community of the healed

St. Mark 6:56- “And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the market-places, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed.”

Two of the most significant aspects of Jesus’ ministry was the preaching for repentance and the healing of the sick. Crowds went everywhere Jesus was because of this power of Jesus to heal. Some others made personal requests while many tried to touch his garment for healing. Jesus put forward the power of faith in his healing episodes. There was nothing beyond him. So much that, he even brought the dead back to life. 

Lent is a time of healing. Holy Communion is also a time of healing. But unfortunately this is not happening in our society and community. There are staged healings, marketing gimmicks and forced healings but no true healings. The people are stressed, losing hope and looking on to other things. This is when quacks, medicines and products which promise miraculous changes and untested life style change claims and superstitions rule the roost. 

The desperation of people is taken advantage of and faith and belief are misused. Let there be no doubt that God can heal, Jesus’ healings were genuine and even today healings are possible. But cheating people in the name of healing and recovery is the worst that humans can do to each other. Taking advantage of weaknesses and forcing people to part with money and resources are cruel. Lent should be a time which shakes us up to question such superstitious beliefs and acts. 

There are ideally two ways of seeking healing. One is to consume the Holy Body and Holy Blood of our Lord Jesus with complete faith and belief. Two, is to touch the relics of Saints for healing. Healing is a personal and community act but not one which is forced. God in God’s mercy heals us. The saints intercede for us and offer their remains as a source of intercessory power for us. 

We need to pray more during lent and seek God’s mercy. We need to consume the Holy Body and Holy Blood of our Lord. We need to spend time in church in the accompaniment of saints, asking for healing. Our kneeling in church asking for Lord’s mercy is a recreation of the time of Jesus when people sought healing from him. We are bowing down before Jesus and asking him to be merciful. 

Lent should embolden us to say no to wrong claims of healing, promises from cheaters and quacks and flexes and posters with lies and falsehood about healing. Instead, we should go on our knees, pray in church and have Jesus inside us. There can be no greater healing than this. Amen.

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