Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Lent Day 32: Our problems are our solutions

Finding solutions is not simple and yet should not be too difficult for the church. But instead of solutions, our communities end up being the problem themselves. Without trying for solutions and finally bringing out a solution, we continue to get stuck with the problems. The same thing happens with the disciples. In St. Matthew 14, the disciples present the first problem to Jesus. It is getting dark and so it would be ideal for them to send the crowd to the villages. Jesus asks the disciples to provide food and then they bring up the next problem of lack of food. 

In verse 18, to their reply that they have only 5 loaves and 2 fish, Jesus says “Bring them here to me.” Instead of adding a problem or running away from the problem, Jesus engages with the problem in the hope of finding a solution. Even though the five loaves and two fish are part of the problem which says that there is not enough food, the same thing then becomes the solution. Have we ever thought that our problems are actually the solution?!

We have problems in church with regard to family issues, relationship problems and financial hardships and difficulties to name a few. When we think about it, there seems to be no solution. This is when we should surrender to the voice of God which says, “Bring them (it) here to me.” What was till then the problem or part of the problem, becomes the solution. In the right hands the most difficult of problems are sorted out. Indians are hired for certain top posts because of their capability of finding solutions. This must also be an experience which they pick up from their childhood and place of stay. Such things make them provide solutions which others can’t simply fathom. 

The sharing of food cannot be thought of by someone from a privileged background because usually food is wasted rather than being saved there. The division of food and the sharing of food also is more easily acceptable to a person from a simple background. We need not be overly concerned that we cannot always provide solutions. Even today, we may not be able to provide solutions due to our mental blocks and inclination to do things in a certain way. Jesus’ call to “bring them here” should be a cue for us to take our so called problems to him so that we can realise that with his help, these very problems can become our solutions. Amen.

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