Friday, March 15, 2024

Lent Day 34: The assurance of the fringe of Jesus’ garment

There are certain pieces of cloth, garments, a special shirt, or dhoti which is close to our heart. It is either because it was a favourite of ours, or someone we loved, wore it. Even years later, we will take it, hold it and even smell it. There is a familiarity, a knowingness and even an assurance that the cloth gives us. Knowing that it is kept somewhere in a cupboard gives us a good feeling, and taking it and feeling it in our hand and on our face, when we are sad, gives us a lot of peace.

Touching the garment of someone we know, have heard of and hold in high esteem is also like this. We would like to touch them but don’t like disturbing them and making them feel that we are taking advantage. So, we will instead, stand close and touch their garment without making them feel awkward. It is a decent way of approaching someone we respect or love and should not be seen as something weird.

In St. Mathew 9: 21, we read, “for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I shall be made well.” This was a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years. The expectation was high because she would have heard a lot about Jesus and his capability to heal. But she also didn’t want to disturb him and thought it would be next to impossible to speak to him, request him, and get an answer from him.

When we hold the garment dear to us to our face and to our nose, we also expect something. An assurance of peace, a strength in the time of problems and a thought that we have someone who cares for us. There is only one-sided communication and the communication from the dress is non-verbal. The smile it brings to our face and the recollection of pleasant memories is itself a healing process for us. Grief is also contained to a large extend by this.  

Jesus turns around and says in verse 22, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” Even though the woman till then was communicating with the fringe of Jesus’ garment, it leads to Jesus himself talking to the woman, a miracle in itself. She is instantly made well. This lent, shall we also reach out for the fringe of Jesus’ dress. Just like the garments and pieces of cloth which give peace to us. But in this case, which will talk back, assure and heal. Amen.

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