Monday, March 18, 2024

Lent Day 37: Execution of persecution

How many of us will choose to be and remain a Christian if we realise that we have to die for it? Not just die, but suffer in the meanest of ways and then die? How many will witness to Christ if we are sure we will be persecuted and the execution of the persecution will be a painful death? Did Jesus’ disciples believe that he would be killed despite being the miracle man and the one who brought others back from death? Will there be anyone left in the church if we have to die to gain membership?

These are difficult questions which aren’t asked anymore because it will lead to wholesale desertions and falling numbers. The word persecution itself is taboo and used as a decoration instead of a faith declaration. This is absolutely why Jesus’ disciples did not understand what he meant in St. Luke 18, verse 32 and 33, when he said, “For he will be delivered to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon; they will scourge him and kill him, and on the third day he will rise.”

Even though we talk about relinquishing food during lent, the intend is to relinquish our body and life. The reminder that we have to lose ourself to find it is also made in the same regard. When one is not concerned anymore about a disease or a problem, the intensity of the disease or problem itself decreases. We are usually unwilling to be subject to persecution because we have a lot to lose. The moment we forget profit and loss, we also forget pain.

Lent can be a pleasant and strengthening experience, the moment we take our mind off our assets and wealth. The body loses weight, the mind loses associations and the soul loses evil. Jesus didn’t seem to hate the fact that he would be persecuted and killed. He didn’t fear death and pain. The more he drew closer to death, the more he talked about it.

We hesitate to forgo food, forget not thinking about pain and death. Persecution is politicized and not looked forward to. We talk about the persecution of others, rather than offering ourselves for persecution. The execution usually never happens. This lent, may there be a turnaround, whereby we prepare for the execution of our persecution. Amen.

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