Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lent Day 18: Being Christ ready

One can never be fully ready. Whenever we plan a trip or a vacation, something or the other will always come in between. But if we go without much planning and thought, we will usually be able to pull it off. Making time for friends and family is also better done when unplanned. We are all so busy that plans are difficult to make. Unplanned meetings, travel and conversations are also exciting and make us very happy. We can also try to link the words ‘unplanned’ and ‘ready’.

St. Luke 12: 37 says, “Blessed are the servants whom the master finds awake when he comes; truly, I say to you, he will gird himself and have them sit at table, and he will come and serve them.” Jesus asks us to be ready at all times. If we plan it, we can obviously be well prepared. We will be at our best behaviour and will even put on an act. So, the real us will only be visible when the master comes unprepared.

It is like having guests at home. When we know someone is coming, we will have everything ready. But when guests come unaware, we will be in complete disarray. This can be handled in two ways. One, when we know and are prepared, the visit will be okay for us. But what if we do not know? Can we think of another level of preparation and readiness? That is the one mentioned at the beginning. When we are prepared to do things at short notice with people we love and respect.

This lent can be one such journey. It should not matter to us, when our Lord will come, because we are prepared every minute to receive him. It is not the condition and neatness of our house but the condition of our life, heart and soul which should matter. Everything and anything we do should be something we can also do in the presence of the Lord. That way we have nothing to hide and nothing to be scared of.

People have become so busy that they don’t get time to visit each other anymore. We also don’t feel the need of hosting anyone. The feeling of community and the culture of welcoming has been lost upon us. There are times when we get into the hospitality mood but that is only when we are forced to host someone.

A life in Christ should make us ready for anything at any time. Ready to travel, ready to host, ready to laugh, ready to cry, ready to give, ready to receive, ready to leave and ready to take. Lent should make us that much more ready. Our master will come soon. Let us be Christ ready. Amen.


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