Saturday, March 21, 2020

Go Corona go

Perhaps it is a denominational problem that to remain relevant and the leader of the pack, one always must be right. Even when we know it, we won’t admit that we are wrong. We are always right and correct!

The covid-19 (Corona) virus is turning our world upside down because we are being made to swallow our words. Sample a few things below.

a. Being an introvert was always seen as abnormal. So much that society tried to fix such people. They were forced into becoming outgoing, smart, mingling and possessors of a great personality. What is happening now is a reversal of this. We are forcing one another to stay home, become socially inactive and introverts!

b. Men had to be outside and women inside. The after-dusk curfew for women has been practiced religiously in many households in India. Women simply had to get in before it is dark. But now a virus has managed to push both men and women inside the house. Curfew is now gender neutral, or at least trying to be that, so that it is an effective exercise.

c. People who washed their hands several times were seen as special and as having an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Others tried to counsel and get help for them. Today, everyone is told to wash their hands several times. Are yesterday’s people with disorders today’s trend setters and law abiders?

d. Our personalities were figured out by experts by the way we shook hands. Those with weaker handshakes were marked as unsure, laid back and soft and those with stronger handshakes were looked at as driven, aggressive and ambitious. Now we are asked not to shake hands at all. So, where has ambition, drive and success gone?

e. Priests and pastors kept telling their congregations that they had to come to church or the worship center. Fidelity, faithfulness, and sincerity to the church was measured with the strength of attendance. The priest/pastor would ask, “Haven’t seen you in church lately?!” That has now changed to “pray in your home, your body is God’s temple, save another by saving yourself and not more than ten should attend church”. A lifetime’s tutoring and attracting to church is now seriously being challenged.

f. One had to go behind an elected representative to fix the waste problem, the drainage issue and to talk about community health and well being. We usually got back a promise list of what would be done in the coming years. Now there is an emphasis and concentration from their part on cleanliness, healthy living, clean surroundings and proper lifestyle.

g. Anyone and everyone would call for a meeting, even if it was against all human norms, against safeguarding of the rights of people and a call for communal disharmony. All that is now solved with a stern warning that no meetings or get together's are allowed.

Jesus’ advice that the Sabbath is for humans and humans are not for the Sabbath is being acted out right in front of our eyes. All norms, especially the anyway shaky ones, are being put in the deep freezer. Bureaucrats are showing great courage and strength to take a decision and implement it to the fullest.

A virus has changed our lives. But when one starts thinking about it, and with full respect to those who have lost their lives, the virus has shown us “why not?” We need to listen to the directives and advice of all government agencies at this moment. But it is also time to realize that a great levelling is in the process. The have nots are coming into the picture and re-entering their lost spaces. There is no clear right and wrong, victor and loser, strong and weak. There are only humans, you and me. Praying that we can all stand together and overcome our caste, gender and class biases and do whatever it takes to break the chain of the virus. Anything, for the good and survival of humankind.  

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