Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Prayer for fisherfolk impacted by Cyclone Ockhi

God, the giver of life and happiness, we pray for all the fisherfolk who are missing due to cyclone Ockhi. We pray that search teams be able to find those who are alive in some place or be able to give a closure to people from hoping that their dear one/s will come back. These communities dear Lord work for all people and provide food. At this time teach us God how to pray, help and reach out so that our brothers and sisters who fish for us are taken care of at this very difficult time. Many are still searching for loved ones, others are in shock, everyone expects the various governments to consciously help and calls are being made for stricter and safer measures to reduce casualties henceforth. You identified fisherfolk as your first disciples Jesus. Help us to see the same promise that you saw in them and thereby see them as our family and help in ways which are quick and beneficial. Be with them Holy Spirit because they need your strength and guidance at this very difficult time. Many families have lost their bread winners and their livelihood. Human plans are appearing ever so inadequate. Triune God, help our fisherfolk and the families that depend on them. Amen.

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