Friday, June 23, 2017

Prayer for responsible use of technology

Teach us God this day to focus on important things so that we become better performers for your kingdom. Even as we say we are busy to show acts of compassion and mercy on your behalf, we are reading numerous messages on whats app which are cruel, racial and inhuman and we end up forwarding them without a thought or care for others. We have become news junkies reading every bit of information and yet it isn’t benefitting us, our family or society. Help us God to use technology and all that your hands have inspired to make, in ways that will be beneficial to us and those around us.
May we stop reading and distributing news which incite violence, instill hatred and make us negative. Instead, programme us dear Lord to sift through the happenings and find positive stories to read and send. Strengthen us to send inspiring bible verses which bring people together and don’t create walls of separation. Help us to focus God on things that are good so that we wake up inspired and thrilled to engage with the various mediums around us. May we say no to the limiting aspects of technology and instead embrace the liberating world of technology. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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