Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A prayer for entering into the birth of Jesus

Lord God, you loved us so much that you sent your son Jesus to be born, live, die and rise for us. Just when humanity digressed from the right path, you deemed it fit and proper that Jesus came to be born among us. Now we pray dear Lord, to be accepting, courageous, and forth right like Mother Mary. Help us to prepare for the birth of Jesus inside us, to feel the birth pangs and to know the responsibilities associated with it. May we be filled with the Holy Spirit like St. Mary and foresee that the humble will be exalted and the proud will be humbled.
May the birth of Jesus not remain a season but be a time of conviction, commitment and community. Let the lent that we observe be not for personal gain but for Christ to be born in the lives of others just as he has in our life. Help us God to prepare for a start of a time when we remember that Christ is born. May we not stand far but near Jesus, offering our presence and gifts like the shepherds and the Magi. Allow us to watch the light which takes us to where Jesus is, be with us as we walk in pilgrimage to the sites of the birth of Jesus, stopping to be a part of the families on the road and in houses who have accepted Jesus through their lives and convictions. In the name of Jesus, who is born for all of us. Amen. 

Picture courtesy Hanna Varghese, 'God is with us', Pinterest.

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