Friday, October 14, 2016

Prayer for couples

God allow us to be in relationship with our partner and explore every single day and moment that you have envisaged for us. You give us so many opportunities to know and accept one another but work, projects, and deadlines come in between. We hide behind these excuses Lord when actually priority, ego and lack of understanding are what distance us. Help us to see how our life and the reason we are is because of your love to us. May we understand, sacrifice for, make time and accept our partner and take care of their needs and wants. Loving God, may we understand that you have created us out of love so that we may love different people and things in various ways. Help us to see our partner as our soul mate. Teach us to forget outward beauty and instead see vividly the beauty inside and use touch and observation to draw closer to each other and through that realize you and your presence in us dear Lord. In your existence as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you gave time, love and importance to one another so much that we feel you as one even though we refer to you as three. Love is knowing, seeing, feeling and doing like no one else. Help us to love each other just as you love us dear God. Amen.  

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