Friday, October 28, 2016

Prayer for building relationships

We thank you Lord for your multiple and unending mercies in our life. We are sorry that we have moved away from the clear direction that you have shown us. Instead, our ego is ruling our lives. Allow us the discernment God to recreate lost relationships, friendships and partnerships so that we may see the good in everything.
We pray Father God for a pure heart which will bring about good thoughts in us. We pray Son of God for the tenacity and will power to do what is right and not what is usual. We pray Holy Spirit for the strength to carry on when everyone else gives up.
We can't do it alone. We need your help and the support of others. We bend our knees before you and promise that we will start talking to and be in relationship with our friends, family, church members, neighbours and colleagues. Guide us O Lord we pray with the inspired wisdom and radical love of the blessed Trinity. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping your friendships in repair..Ecclesiasticus.6:16-17
