Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Having a referendum for protest

Anna Hazare and his team, as the media term them, have been arrested. The government represented by a few ministers are into damage control mode to make sure that the situation does not go out of control. Anna is obviously much needed as an instrument for the media to keep things going. One man surrounded by dedicated followers is a time tested formula for success. The government cites rules and security as why this protest cannot take place in the capital of the country.

Country after country has gone back to the people to earn the right for change. Change from the top cannot be a representation of the mood and feelings of the people, be it the government position or the movement of a certain section of civil society. Many referendums have given the mandate to people representatives to go ahead with ground breaking reforms and changes.

Why not ask the people of India on what they feel about corruption in the country and what they would like to be done? This could include a variety of issues, including salaries of parliamentarians, the work they should do, how government offices should function, what action should be taken against corruption and so on. Elections should not just be to elect candidates but should also be for charting the future course of the country. Who should decide that? Some politician from the top exclusively or the people of this country for whom these policies are being charted out?

The present protest is confusing. How many are in favour and how many not? Is this what the people of this country want or is protest being imposed upon them, making it a word which the government detests and treats negatively? A referendum should of course involve seeking the opinion of each and every citizen and person in this country. The media which are quick to do opinion polls and exit polls come election time are not seeking to know the public mood in the country at this time. The public does not only include the affluent middle class, middle class and those who have access and the opportunity to travel to the national capital.

One should appreciate to an extend what is happening in Delhi. People are coming together for something. Is this right or wrong and are people practising selective protest needs to be looked at again? Is it too difficult to do a sampling of the opinions of the people across the country? If we are serious about democracy this should not be too difficult an exercise. 64 years after independence this is indeed a good thing to happen in India. But it is also something which should happen more often and for all community concerns and not just as part of small conspiracies and political equations


  1. Benoy John Varghese, facebook- People have no idea, what they are doing? this is only heading to chaos and no rule of law, uncontrolled.

  2. Yes, that could unfortunately be true that people have no idea about what they are doing. The idea of protest though is sane indeed.

  3. Prem Samuel, facebook- I personally think that this fast is forced upon the public. The word "anti-corruption" unites the people. Good. But Hazares are making a political motive out of it. How come any good come out of the man who praises Narendra Modi? How come any stand be taken on a man who challenges all the CM's to follow Modi??? How come he gets the support of Vishva Hindu Parishad in this regard? Does it anywhere ring a bell in the Indian minds that we are again falling into this Hindutva trap???

  4. Good observation Prem. My thoughts on a referendum are exactly because of this small movement which through the eyes of the media looks like a big one.

  5. Prem Samuel, facebook- Yes sir! Indeed Media is a powerful tool, not used efficiently in today's context I believe. Thx for your valuable thoughts

  6. Prem, that is why alternative media assumes much importance.

  7. Chev. Thomas Daniel, facebook- This is only a political drama. Hazares and his group are pawns of someone. Time will tell this, but by this time they will force the country to be pulled back for a period of 10 years... ...

  8. Chev. Thomas, it does seem so. Protest is no problem but if it is used to mislead people, then it becomes a pawn in someones hand indeed.
