Monday, December 8, 2008

Achuthanandan: Yesterday’s hero, today’s zero???

(Picture: India Today: Saurabh Singh)

If ever the media needed a quote, he was there. If ever the media wanted a controversy, he was there. If ever the media wanted a winner, he was there again. Kerala is a state which is a table tennis match between the Left Democratic Front with the Communist Party of India (Marxist) being a major constituent and the United Democratic Front, with the Congress party of India being a major constituent. For five years the ball is in one court and for the next five years it is in the other court. There is no alternative.

Two years ago, it was the turn of the LDF to come to power. But the UDF was not willing to let go easily. The LDF needed a face, a sure score winner. The leader of the opposition, V.S. Achuthanandan and his one liners became the darling of the media. Achuthanandan was denied a ticket initially but the public outcry changed that. Not only did he lead the alliance to victory, he then became the only choice for the post of the chief minister.

In the more than two years, Achuthanandan’s defining moment came in the form of the Munnar action plan, where illegal land holders where evicted and illegal constructions where demolished. (Mind you the illegal evictions did not include the small land of the poor). One of his most trusted and controversial lieutenants was Suresh Kumar, a bureaucrat who helped him implement this action plan.

The rich and famous cried foul. The enemies grouped together to form a formidable alliance. The action had to be stopped and the plan was dismantled. Many of you would have been introduced to Achu mama (as he is fondly called in Kerala) in the context of the Sandeep Unnikrishnan controversy, where it was reported that Achuthanandan made a statement saying if not for Sandeep not even a ‘dog’ would look in the direction of his house. This after a so-called rebuff by Sandip’s father which also included the use of the three letter word. But Achuthanandan is much more than the three letter word.

In this context it is understandable that people inside and outside Kerala look at Achuthanandan as an insensitive, old, and foolish man who is running things with a coterie rather than in a democratic way. (His own party has come up with this allegation). In the haze of all these allegations and counter allegations, one must not forget that a majority of the people in Kerala saw him as the leader they wanted. He did what no one dared to do, by taking on the rich and the powerful in Munnar. In a matter of months he has become a monster.

The media are hand in glove with the powerful, be it the politicians or others. Many are created and then pulled down with a few words. It is a much larger plot which we should see through. Many are working together to pull Achuthanandan down and this is a result of this. Yesterday everything he said was good, because the media wanted him to be a hero. Today everything he says is quoted out of context, because he must be made into a zero. This is a construction in which the media also has it’s own part to play. We should go beyond the newspaper reports and see the truth of it all. I am not saying that politicians are good as a group. What I am saying is that this man needs to be seen in the context of something else and not on the level of a three letter word.


  1. Fr. I don't have any clue about Kerala Politics. But what i have heard that education system and work gets affected due to the continous strikes / hartal. How is it now?

  2. Hartals have become a part of life in Kerala so to speak. I guess it is a difficult phase. There is a difference between opposing something for the sake of it and opposing when one has a serious disagreement with a policy decision. The sooner Kerala realizes this, the better for the common person.

  3. Why is that with 100% literacy rate this realization is not yet dawned?

  4. If one thinks only about oneself there is little we can do. We have to start thinking about the common good.

  5. If Achuthanandan would not remain a hero, but like to use words not befitting the Chief Minister's post and fail to take on his opponents, what can the people do but to make him a zero so that the administration could go on.

  6. Kerala views: What is happening in Kerala is much more than the failure of the CM. It is also about the effort being put in to show he is a failure. My point is that the person Achuthanandan remains the same. He is today, what he was yesterday. But if we called him a hero yesterday and see him as a zero today, then something is wrong with us as well. Thanks for the comment.

  7. just goes to show the value of a well informed voter. you get what you deserve.

  8. Ciya, the problem in our country today is that we politicize everything. We take decisions based on what we will gain from it and not whether it is correct or not.

    In Kerala we play ping pong with the UDF and LDF. Why didn't the so called 'informed voter' in Kerala think that Achuthanandan was old and let off his mouth when he chose, when we voted? We should take the responsibility (our share) as we expect our politicians to be responsible.
